Update – Small release shift and new content

As you know, the last months have been busy! Kickstarter, a lot of content, and some things that took more time than they should (updates to Foundry and related changes in all my workflows).

New Monthly Content: Ayatee’s Artifacts

As you may have seen, we have started adding magical items to the mix! We are starting small, with one or two items per month, but we hope you all will have fun with them, just as much as we have drawing them (Ayatee) and designing rules around them (me)!

Release Shift

Because of the work on the updated version of In the Court of the Frozen Queen that I really want to finish before the end of October, there will be no “large release” in October – I am moving that to November/December slot. However, to make it up for you, you will all get 25 Dragonshorn Rewards Store credits – that is enough for one book, and there will be a small delve too!

So, the reward schedule for the next months is as follows:

  • October: Encounters, items, oneshot (delve) + 25 Dragonshorn Rewards Store credits
  • November/December and following two-month cycles: Encounters, items, oneshot, book.


Credits are added to your Rewards account, so you can grab things from the Rewards Store!

The Dancing Butterflies – Exclusive Encounter – September 2022

The usual ambiance of the countryside summer fields makes the journey very calming. From time to time, you can see a bird flying through the sky, looking for a place to rest, and over the fields, you can see butterflies dancing in a mesmerizing dance, deadly dance…

The Dancing Butterflies is a combat and exploration encounter for parties at level 2 (level 2 in 3.5 edition), featuring a new monster!

Get the Encounter

If you are a Patron you can get this Encounter as PDF, and as Foundry Tabletop and Encounter+ modules in a separate post.

The Dancing Butterflies – Exclusive Encounter – Download – September 2022

Below you can find Patreon exclusive files for The Dancing Butterflies encounter – PDF with the encounter, code to download the encounter in Dragonshorn Encounter Browser for Foundry VTT, and EncounterPlus module file.

Foundry Module

To install this encounter in Foundry VTT, install Dragonshorn Encounter Browser first (see instructions here). Then open Encounter Browser and enter the following code to download the encounter.

Code: the-dancing-butterflies-4esJ3v

EncounterPlus Module

EncounterPlus module is attached to this post! Download it and open in EncounterPlus to install.

Ayatee’s Small Treasury – Free Items

Welcome to Ayatee’s Small Treasury, a free, bite-sized supplement featuring ten magic items for the 5th and 3rd editions! All items in this supplement were previously featured in our materials, but just for this release, Ayatee gave them a new coat of paint – with fully custom art!

We are also providing the items in VTT format – for Foundry VTT as part of our new Dragonshorn Item Browser module and, soon, for Encounter+!

Foundry VTT and Encounter+ Versions

You can get access to the items by installing Dragonshorn Items Browser. For more information about the browser here. The items are included for free in the module, so check it out!

Encounter+ version will be released at a later date (we are still building a good way to distribute them easily!).

Dragonshorn Item Browser

Dragonshorn Item Browser is a special module that allows you to easily browse and use items released by Dragonshorn Studios during the game. All Patreon magic items released as a part of Ayatee’s Artifact series are included in the browser, as well as magic items from encounters starting with Duel Under the Cherry Blossom.

How to use

After installing the module, a new button, “Encounter Items,” will appear in the Items directory. After opening the browser, you can browse free items that are included with the module. You can drag them and open them as if they were in a compendium!

To access Patreon locked items, go to module options and enter your Patreon Key. You can find your Patreon key on Patreon rewards page at https://rewards.dragonshorn.com.


Install the Dragonshorn Item Browser using its manifest URL.

Manifest URL: https://www.dragonshorn.com/items/get-browser.json

Feathered Bow – Ayatee’s Artifacts – Download

Below you can find Patreon exclusive files for Feathered Bow – card sized images, and links to Patreon exclusive modules for Foundry VTT and Encounter+ containing the item.

Foundry VTT and Encounter+ Versions

You can get access to the item by installing Dragonshorn Items Browser. For more information about the browser here

Encounter+ version will be released at a later date.

Feathered Bow – Ayatee’s Artifacts

This simple, wooden bow has a number of colorful feathers attached to the ends of the arc, and its bowstring makes no noise when shooting.

You gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon. 

Bird song. Three times per day, you can pull a feather from the bow and attach it to your arrow. When shot from the Feathered Bow, the arrow will make a sound that mimics a sound of a bird from the following list: Owl, Hawk, Rooster, and Cuckoo.

The sounds are indistinguishable from the real ones unless the creature hearing it succeeds on DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

Get the Item

If you are a Patron you can get additional versions of this item: poker cards sized images, and as Foundry Tabletop and Encounter+ modules in a separate post.

The Laughing Shield – Exclusive Encounter – September 2022

The country road goes between beautiful sunflower fields. As you look around, you see a shield with a large, smiling sun painted on it, put against the wooden fence. Will you take it with you?

The Laughing Shield is an item-focused encounter, featuring a new, cursed item that adventurers can find during their travels!

Get the Encounter

If you are a Patron you can get this Encounter as PDF, and as Foundry Tabletop and Encounter+ modules in a separate post

The Laughing Shield – Exclusive Encounter – Download – September 2022

Below you can find Patreon exclusive files for The Laughing Shield encounter – PDF with the encounter, code to download the encounter in Dragonshorn Encounter Browser for Foundry VTT, and EncounterPlus module file.

Foundry Module

To install this encounter in Foundry VTT, install Dragonshorn Encounter Browser first (see instructions here). Then open Encounter Browser and enter the following code to download the encounter.

Code: the-laughing-shield-yYPwdB

EncounterPlus Module

EncounterPlus module is attached to this post! Download it and open in EncounterPlus to install.