Changes, changes…


First, I want to thank you for all the support you have given me over the last year. This means a lot and really kept me going for that time.

Unfortunately, I start to feel a little bit swamped, so I need to change the amount of content I release. However, this is not an easy decision to make, but I want to combat burnout looming over me and hopefully have enough strength to launch Kickstarter in the near future.

Starting March, there will be changes to how Patreon tiers work and the amount of available content.

Apprentice Tier

There will be at least two encounters a month, available as PDF and Foundry and Encounter+, accompanied by maps and tokens that we use for encounters. There probably will be more encounters but the minimum is two.

Sculptor and Blacksmith Tiers

These tiers will have the biggest change.

The larger, premium book will be released once every two months (so if you are a patron in either of them, you will get it). Producing such large content is taxing, and making a book that size, with art, tons of maps takes a lot of time (especially as we are still primarily a two-person operation along with Ayatee, who helps me with art). The Temple of the Blood God, a new dungeon crawl that will be released soon, will be a book for February and March.

There will also be one exclusive oneshot every two months. It will remain exclusive for at least four months. After that, it may be expanded to a full larger content that you will get access to automatically (the first adventure expanded that way will be The Flooded Tower, which will be added to your licensing page as soon as it is released).

To make the transition easier, everyone who supported me in February now will get Side Quests – Frozen Peaks, a pack I never released as a Patreon perk (if you already have it and are missing something else, message me, and you will get that instead).

What lies ahead

I hope these changes will allow me to regain my focus and make the content even better, more fun, and even more polished.

Thanks again for all the support.


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