Young and Old Dragons Share the Same Stories

No matter if you are are looking for a captivating adventure or a deadly dungeon crawl, you will find something interesting in the dragon's library.

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Our Adventures

Fantastic Stories

We write, design, and publish Adventures, Encounter Packs, and Dungeon Crawls. From simple stories about getting rid of the undead from the local cemetery to epic tales of saving the world from the end, you will find something for you!

We design our adventures for both 5th and 3.5 editions of world’s most popular role-playing game, and provide balancing tips for running them for multiple levels of play!

VTT Ready

All our adventures are published for Foundry VTT and Roll20, with some receiving releases for Shard Tabletop.

We craft our VTT modules so you can easily play them without spending hours setting them up. Each VTT release is built from scratch, leveraging the features of the app to provide you with a seamless experience.

Inside each release you will find full adventure text, all art assets maps and tokens, and monsters and items ready to be used!